Book Review: Authentic Inclusion by Frances West


Disruption through Inclusion.

Brilliant insights from Frances West, a trailblazer indeed! A couple of key points and I would encourage everyone to buy this MUST read book: (1)Accessibility designed in from the beginning for everyone. (2) the three "Rs: - Reputation, Responsibility and Rights (3) Great to hear about Frances role in the drafting and advocacy for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (a truly remarkable document which was the 1st principles design determinants for the digital human hashtag#Nadia). (4) Inclusion is the basis of destructive innovation. Thank you Francis and your efforts and support as IBM's first Chief Accessibility Officer when we were doing the #Nadia project!

Thrilled & delighted the #Nadia project is recognised in this book! The #Nadia team believed that deep #inclusion & co-design breaks through barriers of rigid thinking & drives innovation for everyone.


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