2018: SUBMISSION: Joint Standing Committee on NDIS Inquiry into NDIS Systems


From 2018.

In 2018, the Australian Senate Joint Sanding Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), conducted an inquiry into the ICT infrastructure employed by the NDIA, with particular reference to:

  1. participant and provider experiences of the MyPlace Portal;

  2. the impact of the role of other Government agencies on the ICT infrastructure; 

  3. the appropriateness of the MyPlace Portal and agency facing IT systems; 

  4. the impact of ICT infrastructure on the implementation of the NDIS; and 

  5. any other related matters.

I was the NDIS Head of the Technology Authority through to July 2017.

I provided this submission as I present a somewhat unique perspective across the business case, architecture, co-design, health sector innovation, technology industry and the lived experience of family members with disability.

My submission can be seen on the Senate Committee website here.

A PDF copy of the submission can be read here.


2006: United Nations Public Service Award


2014: Digital Disruption Seen through 100’s of Audits & Reviews