2022: Part 4/6: Defending the NDIS ~ When Govt Took a Wrecking Ball to the NDIS Operating Model


My article in InnovationAus published 3 May 2022.

PDF of the article can be found here.

This fourth article in the Defending the NDIS series is an insider’s look at what happened when the government took a wrecking ball to the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s operating model.

The NDIS is a case study in the crucifying complexity of policy and service delivery: it is also a case study in the failings of digital government services.

The first article in this Defending the NDIS series dealt with the complexity of the system. The second article exposed the “word salad” of assistive technology. And the third article exposed the actuarial model that has help to destroy the scheme.

This is what happened when the Abbott took a wrecking ball to the NDIS operating model.

At the time, I was on the inside and here is what happened.


2022: Part 5/6: Defending the NDIS ~ The Hunger Games Created by NDIS Algorithms


2022: Part 3/6: Defending the NDIS ~ A Copernican Challenge for the Actuarial Model