2018: iAwards South Australia Keynote

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From 2018.

I was honoured to deliver the keynote presentation at the iAwards South Australia, 14 June 2018.

PDF document of my talking notes can be found here.

Synopsis of My Presentation

in 2018, the AIIA celebrates 40 years, and the iAwards 25 years – and the emphasis on skills, innovation and the digitisation of the economy has intensified. This is a whole of economy and whole of society imperative.

As we celebrate this AIIA 40 year anniversary, I would like to share with you two other anniversaries which connect innovation, human endeavour and human advancement.

The way in which these domains interact is quite profound – and by looking at these anniversaries together – we see both a history and a future of almost boundless commercial, innovation and human rights endeavours.

2018 also marked the Apollo 50 year anniversary and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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As the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era inexorably unfolds across every dimension of our life, the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration and the related document Convention (on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - hold the kernel which can steer this great innovation in a direction that will benefit all humanity.


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