2022: NDIS Price Catalogue Revealed


This is a reveal on the NDIS price catalogue.

It gets inside the guts of the NDIS operation. The catalogue is an analogue festering mess impacting the entire sector.

I’m doing this reveal to help people get inside the discussion on NDIS sustainability because clearly what I am about to share is either not understood or not deemed a priority. Or people just don’t want to talk about it.

And while the massive expenditure was taking place on digital consultants, algorithms, contracts for Independent Assessments, and RoboNDIS , the catalogue...

...this critical services infrastructure affecting the entire sector was left festering for years.

It's not digital. Not accessible, and makes a mockery of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

I guarantee that by the end of this video there will be calls for action.

Take a look.


2022: The Innovation Papers ~ Delivering a Functional NDIS eMarket


2022: PODCAST: The CIO Show Australia ~Has the DTA had its Day?