2018: What Technology is Behind the next “Global Humanitarian Revolution”?


From 2018.

The first humanitarian revolution will break industrial silos and make information increasingly accessible - what does this mean for the future of healthcare and education?

This episode of ‘In the Fast Lane’ reveals the immense potential AI, digital humans has for transforming the interactions between humans and digital services.

I was interviewed by HotTopics at the O’Reilly AI Conference in London, and explained why the humanitarian revolution is close and how democratised access to information will benefit entire sectors.

I spoke about AI-powered digital human cardiac coach, AI-powered digital human reading coach and the digital human Nadia. The first humanitarian revolution – democraticising access.

Sharing this video ahead of International Day of Persons with Disability #IDPWD2018 3 December 2018.


2018: Why Artificial Intelligence is a Human Right


2018: Speaking at O’Reilly AI Conference London