This page of my website is dedicated to amplifying community activism campaigns to Save Our NDIS #SaveOurNDIS. In the following sections, starting at most recent, are campaigns that: encompass calls for a Class Action Royal Commission into RoboNDIS; allegations and findings of unlawfulness; linkages between RoboNDIS and the unlawful deadly RoboDebt scheme; the bitter battle to stop the government implementing Algorithmic ‘Independent Assessments’ shown in other jurisdictions to cause harm and present risk to life; and the lack of accessibility of critical NDIS digital assets, such as the NDIS Price Catalogue. When all these things are considered together, the question of ‘why?’ is inescapable. In my opinion - as I explain in detail in the Nadia book - bigotry, a lack of imagination, and a bureaucratic aversion to co-design.

Committee Bombshell: NDIA Has Been Operating Unlawfully
The long-awaited report from the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS Inquiry into the Capability and Culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has landed, published November 2023. And it is steaming.
After ten years of the #NDIA and the operations of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (#NDIS), inquiries and literally thousands of submissions pointing to the same defect, this report makes the bombshell finding that the #NDIA has been operating unlawfully:
‘…the distinction between primary and secondary disability has no basis in governing legislation… which operates as a form of discrimination.’
Read of the horrific harm of this unlawful administrative device, and the growing campaign for a Class Action Royal CommissionRoboNDIS on the robondis.org campaign website. Thank you InnovationAus for carrying this story. Read the article here.

RoboNDIS Class Action Royal Commission Campaign
…and the Connections with RoboDebt
The RoboNDIS Class Action Royal Commission campaign was launched on 14 April 2023.
Read of the horrific harm suffered and the growing campaign for a Class Action Royal Commission RoboNDIS on the robondis.org campaign website
The article ‘A Look Inside the Deadly Digital Transformation Agenda that Created RoboDebt and RoboNDIS’ examines the connections and common foundations of RoboDebt and RoboNDIS.
RoboDebt continues in the NDIA, together with RoboNDIS. Large scale population-wide systems of automated administrative decision making driven by deeply hidden and unexplainable defective algorithms, devoid of ethics, creating risk to life.
RoboDebt and RoboNDIS are not two separate coincidental programs. These were administered within the same portfolio DSS; created by the same people; using the same defective methods; during the same period of time.
They were each intentionally designed as part of the foundations of the whole-of-digital-machinery-of-government Digital Transformation Agenda and automation strategy, driven by Transformation Office/Agency and executed primarily by DHS.
Created using AI, the NDIS Bill Song is the creative endeavour of people across the breadth of the disability and advocacy community. Bloody brilliant. An anthem as the disability community fights again, against a grossly defective NDIS Bill that breaches human rights, and that even the Australian State and Territory Governments reject. Bloody brilliant. I have been asked to post and share this video. Please share. Let’s get this viral. Hashtag #NDISBillSong

Community Campaign Against NDIS ‘Independent Assessments'.
The following video that tells the story of the fight to stop the Australian Government introducing changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (#NDIS), involving Algorithmic driven ‘Independent Assessments’, which would have fundamentally changed the nature and purpose of the scheme. The Australian Government was forced into a politically damaging backdown, with the backlash from State and Territory Governments who part fund the NDIS.
The fight against these changes was fought by people with disability who are participants in the #NDIS and their families; the disability community; providers; health professionals; advocates; the justice community; academics; and the governments of Australian States and Territories.
‘Robo-planning would blow up the NDIS’
Professor Bruce Bonyhady, one of the founding architects of the #NDIS and the Inaugural Chair of the NDIS Board stated that with these changes: ‘Robo-planning would blow up the NDIS. And it will also blow up the vision for this scheme to be there for all Australians.’
Many considered that these changes would be harmful
‘King Henry VIII Powers’ and Algorithms

Billion $$$ NDIS Price Catalogue Lacks Accessibility: Makes A Mockery of UNCRPD
This next video is a reveal on the NDIS price catalogue. It gets inside the NDIS operation. The catalogue is an analogue festering mess impacting the entire sector. It is not digital. It is not accessible, and makes a mockery of the UNConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Take a look.
I’m doing this reveal to help people get inside the discussion on NDIS sustainability because clearly what I am about to share is either not understood or not deemed a priority. Or people just don’t want to talk about it.
And while the massive expenditure was taking place on digital consultants, Algorithms, contracts for Independent Assessments and RoboNDIS, the catalogue...this critical services infrastructure affecting the entire sector was left festering for years.