Marie Johnson Testimony at NDIS Bill Senate Inquiry Hearing 21 May 2024

On 21 May 2024, I appeared before the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Hearing into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024)

The focus of my opening statement, is the NDIA’s lack of capability to implement, and a Bill that recklessly ignores this fact.

Here is the link to my full submission to this Inquiry, and is protected by Parliamentary Privilege.

This submission is an expose of the NDIA and a detailed teardown of the “new” NDIA PACE system, cyber security vulnerabilities, lack of data security, and ignorant of risk.

Remember the Services Australia $200 million Entitlement Calculation Engine (ECE) that was dumped by this government, by Bill Shorten as Government Services Minister? 

And the dumped Department of Home Affairs $250 million “Permissions Capability Platform?

Well the Budget Calculation Instrument - on which this whole Bill rests - is a recast of these dumped "calculation" programs.

All three are essentially the same concept. And why would the government expect a different outcome for the NDIA Budget Calculation Instrument, where **HALF A BILLION DOLLARS** has already been wasted by Services Australia and Department of Home Affairs on abandoned attempts at the same concept.

Horrifyingly, this Bill puts an algorithm (the Budget Calculation Instrument) - yet to be defined - beyond the reach of administrative review. This is a terrifying world first.


My Submission (Number 15) on the NDIS Bill (2024)
