2020: Webinar: What Now What Next ~ Can Startups Rebuild Our Economy?


“Can Start-Ups Rebuild Our Economy?” 18 May 2020.

After every significant economic downturn, people come up with innovative new ideas to restart businesses and create new jobs. It happened in the decade after the GFC, and many economists are suggesting it will happen again.

Thrilled to have joined David Southwick MP,  Morris MiselowskiAdir ShiffmanRita ArrigoKim TeoSimon Szwarc- for a discussion on “Can Start Ups rebuild our Economy?” Amazing people!

My comments on accessibility driven innovation, #AI powered #DigitalHumans in disability and healthcare - talking about #Nadia and the #DigitalHuman #CardiacCoach at 17 mins 10 secs.

Post COVID-19 will be very different. Thank you so very much David!


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